Sunday, 1 January 2006

Tomato Tarts

These are super quick and easy. Serve them with drinks cut into quarters, or with salads at lunch and my kids don't mind them in their lunchboxes!

Puff pastry (you get 4 per ready rolled sheet)
Dijon mustard
small tomatoes, thinly sliced
1 egg yolk, blended with 1tbsp water
finely shaved Parmesan
extra virgin olive oil


Heat the oven to 220 C (200 C fan oven)

Cut out circles approx. 12cm. Arrange on a couple of baking trays.

Spread a little Dijon mustard in the centre of each circle, to within about 1cm of the rim. Arrange the tomato slices on top in an overlapping circle.

Brush the surrounding rim with the eggwash, then season the tomatoes, top with a few slivers of Parmesan, drizzle over a little olive oil and bake for 15-20 minutes until golden and risen.

Serve hot or cold.

Recipe (& photo) from Country Living UK magazine.

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