Wednesday, 26 September 2007

Where I Live

The village that we live in is called Leura and is about 100kms west of the city of Sydney. Sydney is quite a sprawling city, with suburbs spreading out a long way, but up here we definitely feel quite separate. The weather is very different to Sydney, much colder obviously and with very distinct seasons. The cold is often what takes the longest to get used to when you move here, but I think most people really come to love the changing seasons with spring and autumn being clear favourites.

There is just one main street, The Mall, and October is probably the best time to see it. There are some lovely shops, above is my favourite Maison Montage. It is very french in style and is full of beautiful tableware, linen, candles, books, jewellery, etc etc.

Megalong Books is our fabulous local bookstore, you can often find us hanging out the back in the children's section.

Also, definitely worth a mention, is Silks Brasserie. A very, very lovely place to eat. We had a great lunch there yesterday celebrating a birthday and lots of upcoming travel.

Thanks for visiting Leura with me!


M said...

Looks so inviting. I think the EasternMax will have to take a Sunday drive up there during the holidays to wander the shops.

Livia said...

In Finland we have four very distinctive seasons and though I was born and have lived here all my life, it's very hard to bear dark wintertime. Coldness isn't as bad as constant darkness from November to January - at least.

Anyway I think that seasons make life rich. Always something new and different to expect and enjoy.

Mia said...

Than you for these lovely pictures of leura and of reminding me what a noce place it is. I do hope to come bask on day.