Just when I thought I must be the only person in the world not to be able to crotchet a granny square I finally got it to work! A great book helped and also a patient teacher (!). I'm using the wool that I wound back here to practice on. I'm sorry I know how great they look in different colours, but I'm really enjoying not having to worry about changing every row and just letting the colour of the wool do its thing.
My plan is to make squares like this but probably about double normal size and then join them together with another wool from The Knittery called latte. In Erika Knights simple knits for easy living, she has a grey knitted blanket on a bed that I've always had in the back of my mind to make one day. It's just big squares sewn together and I love the simplicity of it. I also love this blanket from flea market style (I saw it originally at Pozy gets Cozy). That's where the idea of the wide border comes from.

This is my last post for a week as the family and I are off to Thredbo for a week of skiing. We are all really looking forward to it, as last year we had a great time and the kids really took to skiing and of course are now much better than me! Never mind, I also enjoy staying in the lovely village, oh and of course having a break from cooking and cleaning!! See you in a week.
I KNEW you would - and it is going to be beautiful - and that grey blanket - bloody hell! have a great time skiing...
Now it's just me left who can't make a granny square! I can ripple though, but that nearly finished me off!
Your blanket is going to be lovely! Have a nice week!
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