Wednesday, 12 September 2007

The best smelling and tasting lemons ever

I promise they won't all be used in G&T's!!
Keith brought home this lemon bonanza today from a tree that's easily over 100 years old and produces a fantastic crop every year. Lemons are a favourite of mine, I love all kinds of 'lemony' desserts and of course they're essential in the aforementioned drink . . .

We also came home from my mothers recently with a larger than normal quantity of lovely free-range, organic eggs. These are from my mother's hens and also from some that had come over to be chicken-sat while their owner was away on a holiday.

So, now I'm off to make the Classic Lemon Tart from this book. It's my favourite cooking book at the moment. I should actually be helping the kids plan their book week costumes for tomorrow (!), but I'm sure everyone around here will be much happier with a lemon tart.


Anonymous said...

We can not get lemons 'naturally' here - you are so lucky! Lemon curd is also delicious and easy to make.

Sharyn said...

Wow, Janet Clare I had no idea that lemons don't grow in the UK, despite having an English husband! Am going to make lemon curd this weekend, thanks for the reminder about how delicious it is.

oversett norsk engelsk said...

Wish we could grow lemons here too, so healthy.