Sunday, 13 July 2008

Schiacciata con le Cipolle Rosse e Formaggio

We took the day off from working on the house today and headed down the hill to my brother's place in Windsor. Using a recipe from my bread bible, Bread by Eric Treuille & Ursula Ferrigno, which I've had for years, I made Schiacciata with Roasted Red Onions and Cheese (which doesn't have quite the same ring to it as it does in Italian!).

You make a starter the night before and then the next day add the rest of the flour and other ingredients. I just throw it all into the bread machine on the dough cycle and then shape as per the instructions.

Schiacciata translates as "squashed" or "flattened" and is the Florentine version of Focaccia, which comes from Genoa (according to my bread bible). It tasted great - the topping of red onion, gruyere cheese and thyme was perfect.


M said...

Oh yum!

Breadmaking is next on my list of things to 'give a go' (I've ticked off stock-making, quince paste and 'real' gravy...)

Deanne said...

I can attest for its deliciousness: I had some! xxD

Sharyn said...

M - I highly recommend giving breadmaking a go, it's very satisfying and a lot more forgiving than working with pastry (for which life is too short . . !)

Deanne - thanks! xxS

Anonymous said...

An absolute delight. I've converted people to it as well as promoting the fact that the dough can be made in the breadmaker. The last 25 mins cooking time is tortuous having to wait for the delicious bread to finish.

Sue McGettigan said...

Oh my goodness that sounds - and looks - SO delicious!!

auktoriserade översättare said...

Wow, that looks so good.