Saturday 22 October 2011


I laughed when I came back to Pretty Essential recently and saw that it looked like we were still "Stuck in Albany". We did get on our way eventually and continued our little caravan adventure, enjoying our time in Western Australia very much.  

But so much has happened, and actually was happening while we were travelling. And, I really haven't been able to write about it before now.

Just before we set off, my Mother was given a diagnosis of cancer. The worst possible category of cancer, with primary and metastatic locations. It was a devastating time for her and all of us. Treatment was started immediately to try to prolong the amount of time she would have left. But truly, it was hard for all of us to take in. At just 58, and a very healthy, non drinking, non smoking person, to say we didn't understand would be an understatement.

My parents were married very young, at just 17 and 20. So, for my Father it was simply impossible to come to terms with the reality of the situation. The fact that my Mother was also the main carer for her 92 year old Mother at the time was another difficulty to face.  We also had to say goodbye to the house that has been the family home for six generations, the one my Grandmother was born in and her Father and Grandfather built.

My mother passed away on August 18th 2010.

She would have been 60 at the beginning of October this year. I don't feel like I'm at the point of acceptance or understanding yet, but I am beginning to feel less sad about it a little bit more each day. Mum was such a 'doer', she never sat around much, and always had projects, activities and events on the go. I am trying to keep that in mind.  

At this point, I feel the need to close my Pretty Essential blog that was focused mainly of craft and family.  I have enjoyed the time spent recording the bits and pieces of my daily life and interacting with such lovely people in 'blogland'. To all those who have stopped by and left me comments, I want to say a huge Thank You!  Really, it has meant a lot to me.

To honour Mum - the person who taught me so much - I have started a new blog called Hat Hill Farm.  It feels like the right thing to do.  Mum loved blogs.  She found them immensely inspiring and loved to see so many people creating and sharing. 

Hat Hill Farm will document the new home that we are making for ourselves.  It will be like a gardening diary and will detail the steps we take each day.  Keith and I will work on it together.

1 comment:

Fairlie - said...

I'm so sorry to read about your Mum. Such a difficult time for you all.

I've often wondered if you ever left Albany as I saw your last post stuck in my blogroll list!

I'm off to add your new one to my reader.